Wong Sui Ting


For All Career Seekers

Here at Syarikat Ong you won’t merely find a job, but a career instead. A job brings monetary benefits, while a career sets one on a path of constant learning and growth, while also bringing about the possibility of increasing remuneration in step with one’s professional work achievement.

A job is for a finite stretch of time. A career is for a lifetime.

What we want to offer at Syarikat Ong is an opportunity for growth and personal development. We believe we give our candidates a far greater chance at professional success because we hire for attitude and aptitude. Meaning that HOW you go around doing something is as important as HOW WELL you get that task done.

Here, you will find a fertile ground for learning. We truly believe that if you come through our doors with an open heart and attitude that’s prepared for change, you will find yourself growing to be greater and stronger, not just professionally but as a person as well.

This is because we are a young, dynamic team anchored by a management made out of seasoned professionals and veterans of the corporate and taxation service fields. This enables us to balance energy and wisdom, as well as a ready-to-go attitude tempered by decades of experience.

With over 1,000 clients for our corporate secretarial services, over 800 clients who subscribe to our tax compliance and advisory services,Syarikat Ong is the perfect platform for career-orientated individuals seeking business exposure and learning vital skills.

We believe in going the extra mile for our various clients. It is that attitude and determination that has us recognised as one the most reliable and forward thinking firms in the multiple industries we’ve immersed ourselves in.

If you believe you have what it takes, then we want to hear from you!

Looking ahead,
Wong Sui Ting